A place for people to empower them self and the community.
Body Mind Psychotherapy
The Breathers accredited Training in Breathwork and Mindfulness for Trauma Recovery
450hrs (+180off site)
15 weekends, over 2 years of personal and professional journey of explorations, realisations and transformations. Breathwork, mindfulness and Humaness.

Release. Nurture. Grow.
The Training is divided into 2 levels. Level 1 is firstly a deep personal process of self exploration and discovery.
Level 2 further develops the knowledge and skills for professional practice, including within a clinical environment. Becoming a qualified mindfulness and breathwork practitioner and facilitator for Trauma Recovery.

40 full days of onsite experiential and theoretical studies with professionals and experienced therapists and facilitators
4 weekend residential retreats in Tenchi farm (Meander) including catering and basic accommodation
15 Printed booklets of the taught modules.
Trainer’s support
Free access to monthly community breathwork sessions in the North West, Launceston and Hobart.
Free access to weekly live and online Mindfulness, Yoga and Kabala classes
Internship in Burnie private hospital psychiatric ward as a helper in the mindfulness and breathwork sessions in the inpatient Trauma Recovery Program, and the MBCT (Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy) and Breathwork day program course.
Why train with us
For over a decade I have been sharing teachings and techniques that demonstrate that we are incredibly intelligent organisms and that our systems are constantly seeking balance and healing, even or especially when we experience challenges or dis-ease, both personal or interpersonal.
In the last 3 years I have been teaching the above in Rivendell, the Psych ward of the North West Coast Private Hospital and the outcomes among patients and hospital staff is highly positive. In response to this work the demand is growing among the community and corporations. It is not surprising as these modalities combined are effective ways to approach trauma processing and recovery. Incorporating both a "bottom up" approach, changing the physiology of the body, and "top down" approach, cultivating awareness and compassion, together allows us to experience our challenges as less threatening and befriend them. The process encourages deep observation, listening and trust, reveals the intelligence of the inner world and helps people to connect to themselves, others and beyond, out of this place lead gently.
Currently there aren't many Mindfulness and Breathwork Therapists in Australia and the demand is growing. This is why in the last 2 years we have been working on a Training program to qualify more Breathwork and Mindfulness Therapists - combining both the scientific and the holistic (and spiritual) aspects of these modalities. The Breathers Mindfulness and Breathwork For Trauma Recovery Training will be facilitated by experienced facilitators and therapists including Dr Manoj Revendrum, Dr Sabrina Meader, Cindy Aulby, Paddy Murray, Martin Bratzel, myself (Gilad Shavit) and other trainers specialising in healing and connecting deeper to whatever is needed.
1. To create the ideal environment so that we are able to deeply encounter ourselves, and find the freedom of being able to fully be with ourselves, no matter what.
2. To train practitioners to become highly skilled, caring and ethical professionals.
3. To increase the awareness of breathwork and the body’s potential in the work with trauma while integrating it more in the public systems with qualified breathwork practitioners.
Level 1 is inner process of self exploration and discovery, and Level 2 further develops the knowledge and skills for practice including a clinical environment.
Level 1
The training offers a powerful personal development journey. While there are written notes and many invitations to discuss the material in service to deeper understanding, the course is primarily an experiential journey. We use the Breath, discussions, meditations, and the Group Process to dive into ourself, explore, nurture and release through acknowledgment, acceptance and expression, physically mentally and emotionally.
The course's foundation is the creation of a safe space where we can become unusually real with ourselves and with each other, where we can be respect-full compassionate witness to each other's journeys, where our combined experiences and our journeys become the most wondrous textbook, not yet written, but deeply experienced and known.
There is no expectation that those doing this course will choose to become practitioners, (my own training was done only with the intentions to “dive deep” into myself.)
The Breathers training course part 1 is in 10 x 3 day Modules 7:30am-5:30pm, 3-6 weeks apart, and will be held in Port Sorell (Devonport area) ,Hobart and Meander.
Part 2 applies Part 1 learning to develop the student’s ability to support others in professional consultations, work in a clinical environment and to develop a successful professional practice.
It offers a combination of continuing to investigate personal material, working with others in supervised practice including in Rivendell mental health ward in Burnie Private Hospital, and further theory.
Part 2 of the training is taught in 5 x 2 day Modules, 7:30am-5:30pm, 3-6 weeks apart, and will be held in Port Sorel (Devonport area), Hobart and Meander.
Course comence in Sep 2023