A place for people to empower them self and the community.
Body Mind Psychotherapy

Yoga and Mindfulness
Sound therapy
Ancient practice
modern science
We give individual attention to suit your personal needs
At Breathers we implement effective psychotherapy methods from different modalities to allow and support the body and mind to initiate and complete self healing and evolving processes. Our teachings and techniques are anchored in modern science and research, using technology to monitor the heart, breath and brain waves.
Our work helps enable people to experience their lives with less trauma-related symptoms, less anxiety and depression, and to live a more fulfilling life.

The Mindful Breathwork program for Trauma Recovery in Rivendell
Mindful Breathwork is part of the four week program which takes place in RivendellTrauma Recovery Clinic in Burnie Private Hospital. Designed for people experiencing anxiety, depression, complex trauma, PTSD, and other mental dis-ease. The program encourages participants to connect to their whole experience. The use of Breathowrk and Mindfulness techniques can change the way we feel, help us to be less effected by the past, teach us to clear the mind and regulate emotional triggers when needed.
The Thechnology
We use modern bio-feedback technology to demonstrate and monitor the body’s response during the program. Seeing and hearing our heart rate variability (HRV) via Photoplethysmography (PPG), and brain wave patterns in real time Electroencephalogram (EEG) can significantly help us to understand, guide and embody the practice.

Mindfulness Based
Cognitive Therapy (MBCT)
and Breathwork
Out Patient Program.
The program aims to cultivate the attributes of awareness, focus, patience, and compassion. When we are able to change the way we relate to life's events, we become less reactive and more able to respond. We can navigate our thoughts and different behaviours more mindfully rather than automatically.
Research shows significant improvements for participants finishing the 9 week Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) and Breathwork Course offered at the Rivendell Day Patient Program.
This graph shows the scores that participants recorded before and after the program

Classes, Consultations & Courses
run weekly in The Yurt

Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful healing technique. The breath acts as a bridge between our conscious and unconscious experience, as well as bridging our mental and physical experiences.
When we breathe consciously and with heightened awareness the practice enables to resolve, integrate and heal previously unresolved issues within ourselves, thus freeing up energy for vitality and joy.

Mindful Yoga
Yoga comes from the word “yoke”, which means connection or union. Yoga asana is the practice of using movement and holding postures, primarily to detoxify the body and clarify the mind.
By breathing and moving with awareness, contracting and relaxing the muscles, we increase our physical mental and emotional resilience – our capacity to process more of life without reacting.
Tibetan Bowl Therapy
Using bowls hand made from 7 different kinds of metals, this therapy immerses the body in haromious sounds and their vibrations. This has remarkable therapeutic effects on body, mind and spirit.
A Sound Bath is a deeply relaxing, meditative experience which can take us on a unique journey of healing and self discovery.
A Sound Bath balances the endocrine system by helping create a shift from the over dominant sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight) to a more calm Parasympathetic state (rest and digest).
This can be experienced as a profound sense of peace and well-being.